Learn about Forensic Peer Support through the lens of lived experience.

Forensic Peer Support Training

Our Forensic Peer Support Training is a continuing education opportunity for Peer Supporters. The training is designed to fill gaps in supportive services for justice involved individuals. The training offers a mutual-learning approach that is grounded in the philosophy and fundamentals of peer support.

Participants will understand the impact of Forensic Peer Support and be introduced to the Sequential Intercept Model as a primary tool for effective forensic support. We will share information about techniques and resources to support individuals navigating within and beyond the criminal justice systems.

The topics will include:

  • Refresher on Peer Support Fundamentals
  • Why Forensic Peer Support?
  • Impact on the justice system
  • Sequential Intercept Model
  • Walking through the Sequential Intercept Model from a peer support perspective – practical discussions and role plays points 1 - 5
  • Putting it all together

Joining Robyn Priest in this training is Aaron Wells.

Aaron  is our principal trainer for Forensics.

This course is on Zoom.

Cost: $350 plus taxes
September 2024  dates announced soon
Twice a day for the three days

Facilitated by

Aaron Wells

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Facilitating Forensic Peer Support Training is one of Aaron's specialties.    
Aaron Wells is a highly talented professional whose passion is to contribute his gifts, skills, education and lived experience to strengthen the wellness, recovery and healing in communities of marginalized people.
For over 20 plus years, Aaron Wells has been adept at building intentional smart collaborations that connect needed resources in partnership for the greater good within communities. Programs and initiatives conceptualized by Aaron Wells have been recognized as best practices and duplicated on many levels.
Aaron Wells has served and worked with at-risk populations in the mental health, substance use, youth and seniors. His exposure to diversity, equity and inclusion intertwined with Peer Support has created a record of success efforts impacting targeted communities.