When supporting Peer Supporters is your world.

Introduction to Peer Staff Supervisor Training

Throughout all training there is a strong emphasis on ensuring
the incorporation of:
  • The Peer Support Canada Knowledge Matrix requirements related to peer support delivery,
  • The Mental Health Commission of Canada’s (MHCC) peer support values (as outlined in the Guidelines for the Practice and Training of Peer Supporters),
  • The principles of trauma informed support; and
  • Related components of the MHCC National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety.

    6-hour training over three sessions
Who Should Participate?
Anyone supervising peer staff roles, whether you have been doing it for years, have just begun or are preparing to hire peer staff.
Topics Include:
  • History of peer support
  • The definition of peer support
  • Peer support values
  • What Peer Supporters are trained on
    How to prepare your agency to implement peer work
  • How to properly recruit and hire Peer Supporters
  • What the responsibilities of a Supervisor are
  • How to be a change agent
  • How to best support peer support authenticity in your agency/organization

Peer Staff Supervisors from around the world have benefited from this training all from the comforts of their office or home.

Online on Zoom.

Cost: $150 plus taxes
Next offering
June 3

Facilitated by

Robyn Priest

Write your awesome label here.
Robyn is a straight-shooting Aussie who is known to be a nonconformist! They are the co-founder of Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH, mental health and peer support education and strategy firm.   
Their signature strengths are authentically connecting with people, making fun and simplifying the message. Robyn's passion is helping people go from surviving to thriving.