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Looks What's New to Your Exploration Mastery Supervisor Membership!
Welcome to the World of
Exploration Mastery
A community just for you to support you in your role as a Supervisor of Peer Supporters as well as supporting you to live the life of you dreams.
We are both so happy you have joined us in this community and we will be beside you every step of the way.
Robyn & Charlotte
Co-creators of Exploration Mastery
Click below on the Welcome to the World of Exploration Mastery for a
video from us on how to navigate the site
We are both so happy you have joined us in this community and we will be beside you every step of the way.
Robyn & Charlotte
Co-creators of Exploration Mastery
Click below on the Welcome to the World of Exploration Mastery for a
video from us on how to navigate the site
Write your awesome label here.
Your Supervisor Membership includes:
Your Supervisor Membership Includes:
- Monthly Supervisor Community of Practice
- Let's Talk Video Series for Supervisors
- Let's Talk Video Series
- Live Summit Recap Videos
- Exploration Unleashed training for Supervisors
- Discount to select yearly trainings
The Peer Supporters you Supervise have access to:
All of the video series listed above and the training discount plus:
- Monthly Communities of Practice for Individual Peer Supporters
- Monthly Community of Practices for Family Peer Supporters
- Monthly Community of Practice for Group Facilitators
- Weekly Live Summits (three times a week)
- Exploration Unleashed Training for Peer Supporters
If you are not enrolled in a course, reach out to Charlotte@explorationmastery.com and she will be happy to help.